2017. november 19., vasárnap

Bromance vs Romance

K, this is awfully confusing for me! How do I differentiate between the both!!! There is this guy I like, and he does all this "gay~ish" things towards me, he also doesn't behave like that to others (at least not as much as he does towards me)! And my friends (who knows I am bi) tells me that it's more than quiet obvious, that the guy is into me. So, I told to guy that I like him, which ended up him replying " I don't swing that way".Now, I've asked the guy if he is gay or straight (before telling i like him) plenty of times, he never gave a clear answer (never told he is gay or straight), even now he still doesn't use the word "straight".And just to say, i normally would try to get over it. But there is some part of my Brain that tingles to find out why doesn't he says "he is straight"..Maybe I am just over thinking it, but idk. And just to say, I am trying my best to move on..

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