2017. október 26., csütörtök

Someone to text

I feel like I post on this sub too often. But whatever.. I’m like trying to recreate my entire life and I like opinions so this is a good place to get them.Okay what I am looking for is someone to text. Just a friend. Someone who isn’t going to send me nudes or want to see mine. I want someone who’s going to talk to me every day. Someone who’s not going to judge me for the shit that comes out of my mind. Someone who I can come to in crisis, in boredom, in whatever mood I’m in. I just want someone I can trust and rely on. Hopefully that I can develop a friendship with for the remainder of my life.I’m pretty easy to get along with so I don’t particularly care about age or other junk like that. We’ll know if we’re going to click once we start texting. Pm me your number or ask for mine or whatever and we can get this going!

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