2017. október 26., csütörtök

Question about sex roles in gay relationships

I don't have a lot of gay friends in real life, so I apologize if this sounds naive.I'm male-bodied, but sexually I feel more like a woman. For example, I want to be pleased all over my body, without a specific focus on the penis. I like having long hair and I wish my skin were softer. I like breasts. I strongly prefer to be passive sexually, and become enraptured in full-body orgasms. I moan like a woman.I guess it's sometimes hard to reconcile the way I feel sexually (which I would call "feminine"), with my body, which I would call "masculine" (hairy, muscular, etc.).Even outside of my sex life, I like wearing nail polish and dresses because I think they look great on me. So, I ask you, strangers -- Are my ideas of feminine and masculine totally outdated and inaccurate? Is it normal for a gay man to feel this way? Or is this kinda strange, and should I look more into my gender identity?

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