2017. július 23., vasárnap

My mom thinks I'm too "feminine" and that I should talk in a more "masculine" way. I feel hurt and upset.

Hello! This is my first time posting on this amazing sub. I'm 18 and I'm a guy. And I'm obviously gay. I came out to my mom in June and although she didn't expect the news, she accepted it nonetheless. Fast forward to today, she sits me down and tells me she doesn't like the way I've been expressing myself towards her. She went on to say that I pucker my lips everytime I talk to people and that I should stop moving my hands when i talk. She basically said it's a very feminine thing to do and that I should try and respond in a masculine way, because the way I'm expressing myself looks wrong. I'm very hurt by this because all I wanna do is show her the real me and it seems like she's just shutting me down.I think at this point, she's just paranoid or something. She said I had puckered my lips a few times during dinner and I'm 90% sure I never did such a thing because I know when I do it. Either way, I'm just kind of dissapointed in her for the way she expressed her concern. All my life I've had trouble accepting my sexuality, and now that I finally have, I feel like this incident is just gonna make me go back to overthinking every single thing I do, something I did before when I hadn't come to terms with my own sexuality. I just don't know how to feel.

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