2017. július 25., kedd

Im confused

There's this guy on my job that I have a crush on. When we first met ,the first words out my mouth were " aren't you cold ".He was in the refrigeration unit with his button up shirt wide open exposing his hairy bare chest. He just laughed and smiled at me .ever since then I've been throwing random ques at him that I'm gay and I have out right told him I like him. Sometimes we lock eyes and stare for a good three seconds or more. Sometimes we go on deliveries together and I ask him questions and talk to him about random stuff but it always goes back to me telling him I like him. Nonverbally; I show him I close the gap between us physically , like there's only one armrest in our mini delivery Van and it's on the driver side, I'll put my arm on the arm rest and just leave it there.Or we rub elbows or knees and he never seems offended or uncomfortable I'll even ask him if I'm too close or if he wants me to move over and he always says "no it ok". Sometimes I catch him staring at me . Sometimes I look at his bulge and than look him in the face and I'm not talking in a unnoticeable way and he just seems unphased. I just don't understand .The communication we have is good he always smiles and talks nicely to me one time he even let me rub his bald head but it's never gone past that. Quiet recently he called me on WhatsApp at 10 o'clock at night but I missed the call. Im just confused l. I've tried to tell myself I'm crazy and that he doesn't like me like that or that he isn't gay but when we interact it's this tension like something isn't being said I've asked him if I make him uncomfortable or nervous and he says "no not at all". He's even let me take his picture a couple of times one time he had a whole man spread going on and was less than 4 feet away from me. I just don't get itCan somebody give me some adviceOh yeah he's Jamaican and 20 years my senior (I like older guys)

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