2017. április 23., vasárnap

How to move on?

Well first of all, i'm kinda new here; so Hi! I'm going to start this post by asking: is love real?My boyfriend of 8 months just dumped me a few weeks ago, because he wanted to focus on his major (medicine) despite me being "the most important person in his life" and despite everything.We were just fine just a day before breaking up, and suddenly by text he told me that he wasn't ready for a relationship and that he wanted to keep being friends with me till he was ready. At first, I agreed to keep being friends but he was acting like if nothing had happened between us.Three days ago, we stopped talking. I got sick of his attitude and how he always put up an excuse to avoid seeing me to talk about HIS decision. So I just told him that he lost me forever. I feel horrible, I feel like if I screwed it up and I just don't know how to move on and feel better; i'm only 21 years old and I know I have a whole life ahead of me, but is love even real?TL;DR my boyfriend dumped me by text because he wasn't ready for a relationship despite being together for 8 months, he wanted to keep being friends because he was afraid of losing me, and I'm done with him. I feel horrible and I don't know how to cope with all of this.

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