2017. április 27., csütörtök

[UPDATE] I finally came out to my best friend of 20 years last night!

Original Post: http://ift.tt/2oNdFuU were sitting around the living room, drinking scotch and chatting, with his girlfriend passed out on the couch. After he said that he was about to go to bed, I immediately blurted out "Hey, I've got to tell you something." Upon him asking what it was, I just froze. It took me a good few minutes to get it out. After the 10th time of him asking me to just say it, I hesitantly said: "I'm not... into... girls." He responds with: "so... you're... into... boys?"He seemed surprised and asked me when I knew, so I had him read my journal entry above. After reading it, he gave me a hug and tells me that he's so glad that I told him. He then hilariously exclaims "This is awesome, now I have a gay best friend!!" It was at that moment when I really felt accepted; I'll always be grateful for that.We ended up talking for a couple hours into the night. He asked me a bunch of questions (some tough ones like "Did you ever like me?" to some hilarious ones like "How does it feel to have something up your ass?") and I answered all of them honestly. I'm so glad that I never have to lie to him again. He reassured me that all of our friends will be accepting and that my parents will learn to accept me as well. He said: "Regardless of what happens, nothing changes between us or the fact that you're my best friend. I can't wait for you to tell the rest of the guys, because you'll see that they're all going to think it's awesome that you can be true to yourself."This will go down as one of the defining moments of my life. Coming out to my best friend was such an amazing relief and to have him respond and react in the way he did made it even more incredible. He actually texted me this morning saying: "Hey I'm keeping the empty scotch bottle that we finished last night for the memory".After last night and after all of the AMAZING support you guys have given me with your heartfelt comments, I'm feeling much more empowered to tell the rest of my friends. You are all incredible and I'm so grateful for my (NEW!) community!

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