2017. április 26., szerda

Terrified Of Turning Thirty.

I get it, theres nothing I can do. But I'm curious for the older SINGLE gay guys, if its hard to find dates. In my area, I find theres some very few and rare gems. For example:Most 18-25 year olds are partying, doing drugs and hooking up. OR they are work-aholics or in long term relationships that tend to end around the time their thirty.For the ones that end around thirty, introduces the immature, emotionally insecure guys.Now this isn't indicative of all gays in my area. Theres some really nice ones, some really hot ones and so on and so forth. But the thing I see the most from media (gay related) and hear from people is that we are limited to a certain age range, from 18-26(ish)That once you hit your late 20's early thirties, you are less desirable. Now I don't know if this is true or not. But I have been in one serious relationship, three years ago and ever since Ive gotten lots of dates and messages but as I get older its like the line on the graph representing number of messages has gone down.When I go to bars or pubs or even gay related events its like I'm sucked into the circle of "old queens" ass if thats where I now belong. (I'm far from a queen, not a "masc for masc" but not a queen either).It feels like when you tell some one, Im 28,29,30 you are looked at differently. You are less desired. Its brought on a lot of questions and fears of being a lone. Not in the "well you're insecure with your self, learn to love your self sense" but in the "Whats going on here ..."I essentially feel like I've missed my "prince charming" so to speak. A lot of my gay friends are mid 20's and are engaged, good careers, nice homes. Me? Im 28 going on 29, an apartment with two cats and I feel lonelier then I ever did.Now I know a lot of you will downvote this, tell me to suck it up. Some might even tell me off. But this is how I feel, and I'm not looking for a sympathy party. Just advice.Have I missed out? Life doesn't end at 30, but in the gay community, why does it feel like it does.

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