2017. április 27., csütörtök

I need assistance! #silencedondayofsilence

Hello everyone. I'm a high school senior who is the president of my schools SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance). Our club has been around for about 4 years as of now, and we have had very minimal interference with anything we've wanted to do... till now.We wanted to make a video for day of silence discussing our personal struggles with harassment on/off school grounds, and how Day of Silence matters. But we were denied by administration with no clear-cut reason. We posted the video onto YouTube (currently private) because they only stated that the video wasn't to be shown in homerooms, and then some stuff happened.You see, some kids aren't out at home, and the principal said he may call parents who don't know of the video. They say that the video being out kinda outs them, but they don't know it exist so they aren't technically out. We're currently coming up with an argument on why this illegal and that he is treating are club differently than any other.I need help with any laws and regulations that can help us. Please support us and our fight against the silence.

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