2017. április 29., szombat

How do you feel about lesbians putting down men?

I used to belong to a lesbian sub which recently allowed a thread called "men are annoying". Although I am a feminist, I try to stay objectively equal, and I don't agree that we should be putting down the entire male gender.Here's the link to the thread: http://ift.tt/2oJvmjR excerpts:"I'm hating men more and more everyday, they are annoying as fuck.""After listening to men all day at work, I'm ready for the first ticket out of here.""The only men I love are my nephews. All the other men are just stupid and gross."Keep in mind, this sub is supposedly extremely harsh with anyone who even hovers around intolerance. They will ban anyone who comes close to transphobia or sexism towards women. I just think it makes me feel awful as a lesbian that the most popular lesbian sub on reddit is allowing this kind of discussion. What if we substituted "men" with "women"? I'd be furious! Seems pretty intolerant to me.Just wondering if you guys support this kind of talk and I'm alone in thinking this is wrong. Thanks.

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