2017. március 25., szombat

Need help with a friend

So I have this friend who I've had a interesting relationship with and we have not spent time together in a while, but I'm pretty positive we are going to hang a lot in the next few months because we are getting close againThe thing is is that I'm bisexual and I literally always fall for this guy instantly when I start hanging with him a lot. This has happened a couple times, and a while ago when we were like inseparable best friends who hung every day we used to drink and do that kind of thing together. I ended up like snuggling him with my head on his chest one time for a good while and he didn't seem to mind at all. I've snuggled him in a bed in the same way when we were tripping together once as well, and he didn't seem to care and then we slept together for a while. He has hugged me out of the blue and placed his arm around my shoulder a bunch of times, and I'm kinda curious about if he is bi too. He knows I'm bi now, I told him. What should I do to see if he ends up liking me back? I feel like a totally straight person wouldn't want to snuggle their friend or walk around holding them. I always just completely fall for this guy because of how attractive and nice he is, and I'm pretty positive this will happen soon again. Is it a good idea to tell him how I feel if I end up liking him again, or not? I'm not sure what to doI mean, I get that straight people touch each other too but idk if it's heterosexual to snuggle your male friends for hours if you're a guyHe didn't know I am bi when we snuggled and did all of thatWould it be weird to ask him if he's bi?Also, how do I approach this if I really feel like he's into me too? I don't want to ruin our friendship but at the same time I want him so bad

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