2017. március 25., szombat

Gay sex with men. Our culture drives me crazy.

I am a gay man in my twenties and have had a boyfriend for 10 years - he is the most wonderful human being I know and we have a really happy life together. Since the past couple of years, I increasingly feel the interest/urge to have sexual experiences with other men. In all areas of life, I value diversity, variety and a multitude of options - yet when it comes to sexuality, our society is so incredibly backwards and restrictive. It is the mutual understanding of my boyfriend and myself to not cheat on each other. However, I fear telling him how I feel would destroy the beautiful relationship we have and I don't want this to happen in any case. Consider me spoiled - but yes, I do want it all. I want a stable, secure relationship AND a variety of sexual experiences and I deem it to be very, very natural.In ancient Greece, Rome, also Syria and other places, it was commonplace for men to have a stable partner and several "friends" for sex - usually the man had a wife, however it was normal to also engage with other men just for the pure joy and pleasure of it. No man found this to be "gross", as some call it today. How can it be that our culture has devolved so much in this regard? People are not happy with it, and everybody cheats on each other - a sure sign that our current way of living doesn't work.Also, why are straight men so fucking damn afraid of at least trying out gay sex with a good friend? I understand having preferences, but to outright say "I'm not into that" without even having tried it is just beyond me - the only thing reasonable is to identify here a very unfortunate influence by the Church and the teachings of past/older generations when it comes to the upbringing of our youth. For God's sake, I may suspect that I don't like cherries, but I don't panically avoid them, I may try them out and then decide. Primitive, restrictive and unenlightened culture right here!I've had a good male friend who says he's straight and not into men. I just don't understand this at all. I mean, I wouldn't mind having sexual experiences with a woman - why the hell not? Maybe I wouldn't get hard, but I could please her with my mouth or whatever and it would still be fun. Why are we so strict? Sexuality is not binary, it's a spectrum and science continues to prove that. Sometimes I even maintain the thought of abducting this friend and force him to have gay sex - not necessarily with me, but with another man and I just watch and enjoy the scenery - I would see it as in his own best interests. Practical and legal (and somewhat ethical) reasons prevent me from planning an according arrangement.So if anyone can relate to my situation, you know how it feels to be stuck. You don't want your relationship to break, but you also don't want to completely forego sexual variety FOREVER, for the entirety of the only life you have. Ideally, I would find somebody who is in the same situation as me and thinks like me, but there are so many factors that come into play that render a suitable encounter virtually impossible: - Not sure whether he's crazy and tries to kill me in the end - Not sure whether he's healthy - He should be reasonably intelligent and somewhat enigmatic - otherwise it's huge turnoff. - He should be fit and attractive, like myself - hard to find.So yeah, that's basically it. Just wanted to sound off. If there is somebody who can identify with this, you are invited to contact/answer/comment.

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