2017. március 17., péntek

Feeling optimistic about the future

This is a pretty random post but I thought I'd share, seeing as reddit has been such a major factor in coming to terms with being gay and coming out to the first person face to face.I'm currently feeling super positive and hopeful about the future. I've been watching people's coming out stories and Mark Miller's vlogs on youtube all night and I can't help but be happy that I'm finally nearing the beginning of a new life as my authentic self. Seeing Mark and his boyfriend Ethan so happy together and the love that they have for each and the idea of myself being genuinely happy and in love with another guy someday in the future makes me happier than I've been in ages.I still have my family and the rest of my friends to come out to, but at the moment I feel like nothing will stop me and I have faith in them all accepting me the way I am. I just can't wait to have the chance to be who I am and experience my first kiss and my first love.Happy St. Patrick's day, everyone!

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