2017. március 27., hétfő

Coming out to Muslim Father

(@2gayslots2say): Life has never been the same since I have told my parents that I am gay. My parents are strict Muslim. I am surprised that they haven't tried to kill me or convert me, unlike most Muslim do. After a while when things have calmed down, I decided to interview my dad and ask him questions about my sexuality. These are the 15 out of 29 in depth questions I have asked him.This is what he has to say (I just want to share my story to everyone from lgbt community, especially who are Muslim or belong to any other region, to show that, yes you can be gay and religious but by dad thinks otherwise...)What do you think about gay people?Before I answer this question, let me explain what is the principle of life. Either we are Landlord or Tenant Landlord has his own property so he is not bound to follow any restriction but contrary to landlord, a tenant has a legal binding and s/he cannot live as his own wish. They have to follow certain rules and regulations. As a tenant they have to live by the agreement they have made with landlord. Now I am going to explain the principle of Muslim. As a Muslim We believe in one book, according to this book “Allah has purchased the life of Muslim for the sake of Heaven” So we believe that we are not free people, we are living in this world like a tenant. If we need Heaven we have to fulfill the law of the Lord. So you can say that we cannot live in this world at our own desire. So for the “gay” it is strictly prohibited in Quran. And it is so clear that either you may be gay or you be Muslim. Hope that answer the question.Do you think being gay is a choice?As I explain you it is against the desire of our Lord it is not a choice. You have to leave this habit otherwise you are breaking the contract. Whatever is your augment you cannot adopt it, you have to leave this habit. There is no option for gay.How long has it been since I told you that I am gay?It was the worst day of my life when I heard that what you told me. You remember that I strictly refused to go to Canada but you gave a promise that if I went to Canada you will be a good Muslim. On that day I concluded you have breach that Contract among father and Son. But this was the fact I am a self-made man, ready to face the facts. These were the fear that did not allow myself and my family to settle here. It was th great shock for me. But from that day on, I tried my best to save the rest of my family and still trying.What was your initial reaction when I told you that I was gay?If someone has been badly stabbed what would their reaction be? They will be crying with pain, the same was my reaction. From the day on, I have not been relaxed in my life. I am praying from Allah and Insha Allah(hope to Allah) one day my son will be back.How has your views changed since then?It is not my view, I am simply following the instruction laid down to us more than 1400 years ago and it is not being changed as long as this world exist. If a person is Muslim he cannot change his views about this.How do you feel about me being gay?It is the worst torture I have ever faced in my life.Do you blame yourself that your son is gay?Yes I do myself, Yes it was my mistake that I face this hardship. I brought my son to Canada at a very young age. I have failed to convey the reality of life to my son. I could not guide my son and failed to teach him what the reality of life is. We have no power, we are living with the mercy of Allah, nature, or whatever you call it but we have to accept that we are bound to bestow to the power that is ruling the universe. It was my failure that my son was not ready for the examination and I took him to write the exam. I do acknowledge my mistake and yes it is my fault.Did you ever think about converting me?Yes, every day, every minute, every second, I always think to convert him. I pray and beg Allah to return my son.Have you ever thought of going to therapist so they can talk Peer out of being gay?He was very young when he told me that he was gay. We forced each other so much to change each other beliefs and then agreed to never speak of it again, couple of years ago. I wish I would have taken him to psychologist or therapist so my son would been treated and would have been cured in any way possible.10.Are you afraid that I won’t have kids and you won’t have grand kids? I am not worried of this life I am upset for my son’s life after his death. We all must die at the end. The bitter fact is that he will be punished after his death, this is a very horrible fact compare to thinking about my grand kids.11.Do you think that God is punishing you by giving you a gay son? This is the main difference between this society and Muslim culture. We do not have the authority to decide whether it is a punishment or a reward. It may be a punishment but if I didn't come to canada, based on my qualification I would have been a finance director in some multinational company but I left it all for him. You may think this is my punishment. But in my opinion if with all my distress, sorrow and sadness if Allah forgive me for the sake of these torture and permit me into heaven, then I can say it is my reward. As of right now, I cannot say whether it is a punishment or a reward.12.Why did you not kill me unlike most Muslim parents try to? I studied Quran in depth many time to see if there is a way to save my son. So far I have not read any word from Quran to kill someone for being gay but he will be punished after his death for all the illegal sexual relation. It is however written in Quran to kill a person who kills another innocent person. I can also explain what our religion says about sex. All illegal sexual relationship is Haram ( Prohibitted) whether between 1. Male to female 2. Male to male 3. Female to Female In book it is said “ Zana” in english, fornication which means (Sexual intercourse between people who are not married to each other, especially when considered as a sin) In Muslim culture the punishment for Zana is death, so all illegal sexual relationship of any kind should be punished. In Quran it is written that all those who commit Zana Allah will punish them for this crime by himself. He will put them into hell in a fire of 70,000 degree centigrade where even stone melts like lava. So if my son commits a crime of illegal sex, God will punish himself. I can just pray for him that he comes back to the right path. I hope that until I die Allah forgive me for good wishes for my son13.Why didn’t you disown me? I am confident one day my son will be back that is why I did not disown him 14.Do you think gay people should die? I think gay people should be treated properly, if they are treated properly, they can come back to normal life. Thousands of people have left this habit and have returned to their normal lives. Not just gay people, there are millions of people who are involved in different sin. They ask Allah for forgiveness and they are purified then why not gay people? if they ask Allah for forgiveness then they can live a normal life. I have one question for you What do you think that if I offer someone who is gay that I will give him 10 million dollar leave this habit and marry a girl? If they accept this offer most gay people will be converted. This is not the question that you can leave this habit or not, it is only the matter of belief. You are not believing the punishment or reward that is why you are being gay. This is the main conflict between us and western society. You people think that, this your life and you can live it as you desire while we Muslim belief that we cannot live our lives as our own desire we came here just to pass the examination.15.How does your religious views impact me how you see me as a gay son? It is clearly a crime in my opinion but if my son has a way back and he can go to heaven somehow it is written in his fate then good for him but if he is going to hell for this he will never come back. As a father I always beg to Allah that my son lives until he comes to r get path and Allah forgive him.Please let me and my fiancé know what do you think? Do you agree with him? yes I am engaged to the most wonderful man who had been through and still goes through everything with me. Just been by my side, this whole time except for when I came out, he was hiding under the blanket, that's another story...

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