2017. október 26., csütörtök

Sooo I just came out to my sister

And omg I'm crying tears of joy. It'll be hard for me to translate this into English from Norwegian, but whatevs, here's her response: "First of all I just want to say thank you so much for sharing something so nice with me. It's so important that you're always truthful towards yourself so promise me you'll always be that. This is your life and your possibilities to make yourself happy. You'll always have my support in life. It's so nice you're figured these things out at such a young age. I'm infinitely proud of you brother❤️ If you have any concerns or just want to talk about anything you can call whenever.... (insert personal stuff here)" I came out over text as she lives quite far away and I don't want to take the chance of anyone in the house hearing it. What did ya think??

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