2017. október 27., péntek

Meeting new people

Hello everyone, I'm 21M from France and I've been browing this sub for quite a while, I came a long way from last year when I was still closeted, not sure about my sexuality, never been with guys, struggling with a crush for 6-7 months along with a ""mild"" depression, but everything is going really better now, i'm out, i'm proud, my crush knows about me and he's fine, I went over him (kind of) and met several guys that I've dated during the holidays.But now that they're gone, and now that I've came back to my university I really want to meet guys (whom I'd be "allowed" to flirt with), but thing is, I don't really succeed into meeting guys openly gay as I am. I mean we're 300 in my year group and I've talked to some guys and I'm totally comfortable talking or mentionning the fact that i'm gay (i'm not really bringing it up agressively like "HELLO, BTW IM GAY") but I'm afraid to ask them if they are because I don't want them to feel unsettled by my questions and I don't know how to bring that up, or how to make it appealing. Also, when I feel we're getting along well and that I want to ask him if he wants to go for a drink (but not to flirt, just to spend a good time arooung a beer), i'm afraid that he won't accept because he feels that i'm hitting on him or if he don't know about me being gay, that if I bring that up afterward he will withdraw because I might be hitting on him.So I don't know what to say, to think and first and foremost what to do. If you have any advice/opinion about it..

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