2017. október 1., vasárnap

Friend is mad at me for liking twinks?

Hey guys. One of my best friends is gay and we talk about it frequently since it's a common connection. A few days ago we were discussing our 'types' and I sent a few pictures of guys I'm attracted to. He basically just got kind of pissy and said "Wow, local gay likes twinks. Surprise." I asked him what I'm supposed to be attracted to and he just kind of whined about how the gay community is so polarized and only judges based on looks. But I don't feel like I'm even being bigoted or anything like that, there's nothing inherently wrong in being particularly attracted to people who are your type. He has been upset about this for a few days and I believe it's because he has low self esteem and thinks he's nobody's type. Still, I don't know how I'm supposed to talk about being gay with him if he's going to accuse me of hating fuzzier/chubbier men.

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