2017. október 25., szerda


I’ve come out to a five friends (drunkenly) and a random girl who asked me and my co workers just assumed thank god but I feel like I should tell my family but my brother is always making gay jokes at my expense and my mom uses words like joto and lesbo it really gets me mad but idk if she just doesn’t realize that she’s being offensive she’s also only used those words towards lgbtq members who have wronged her I’m not saying I condone it I just don’t know if I should tell her yet. I also want to tell my best friend but I’m unsure how to because I use to like her like a lot like I cried over her and she knows I liked her but I don’t want to have to explain myself (I liked her emotionally not sexually) sorry for the lack of punctuation also idk if I’m really asking a question just want some thoughts on the situation and if anyone is going through any of these situations and can give some advice

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