2017. július 26., szerda


I have been talking to this boy for like over a month. He was extremely quiet at first, and after 2 dates he opened up like a fucking flower. I really like him, so I took it like TURTLE slow. Like a 3 legged turtle, slow. He really liked me too, but had never had a bf before, so he was a little awkward and didn't initiate like anything. But this introverted little dude who was so quiet just loved to chat with me about anything and everything. Then tonight out of the blue, he asks me to be just friends....... I asked why (in a much more elegant way) and he said that "we are too much alike, and I'm not sure how that would be in a life partner". Tbh I'm a little hurt, wanna know what y'all think or where I should go looking for other boys who are this genuine, and don't just wanna fuck. Lemme know, thx in advance.

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