2017. április 25., kedd

Is this a good idea?

There's a guy I like in school and I have like class every day with him first period but he's with his friends, and every friday I have last period with him, but only two more times until school ends. He's 18 and I'm 15... I'm not like really looking for a relationship or even care if he's gay that much but i just have some random urge to be friends with this guy. I'm friends with 2 of his friends who are also seniors and I think on Friday I'm going to walk over to him. I know he like Star Wars so I'll be like "does anyone like Star Wars" and if he says yeah or if he doesn't I'll just directly ask him since he usually has headphones in, and I'll be like here take this cuz I don't want it (it's like a metal foldable thing of one of the tall elephant looking things that I found in my house). Then I'll say "but send me a pic when it's finished, and like hand him my phone with the thing to start a new text for him to put his number in.Is that like a good idea or no? We have band together, he likes video games but I play league and he plays like halo on Xbox or something which I have an Xbox but idk... I just want to find some way to be friends with this guy cause he graduates and I'll like never see him again if I don't do it now. I don't have much time at all.

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