2017. április 23., vasárnap

I'm at such a loss... I need help please.

I'm going to try and make a long story short. I have a boyfriend. We've been together for six months. In that short about of time, we've realized that we are meant to be together forever.However, we have problems. Lately we've been fighting a lot. Over, it seems, pretty much anything. We are both 21 and in college.He has a hard time letting go of the past. He's been hurt a lot by different people. And so have I. But he continues to believe that some day I'm not going to care about him or leave him. Even though I assure him I won't, he persists. He also has a hard time owning up to something. I'll bring up something he did (for example, whenever I don't give him enough attention, he'll claim that I don't love him anymore or that I'm a bad boyfriend. He justifies this as "that's just who I am".)There have been many times where he will just make excuses for his behavior instead of owning up to it or admitting that it's wrong. You can see how frustrating that gets.Another small example is that I don't drink. He likes to drink a lot. I don't mind him drinking, but he likes to get really drunk and black out and throw up and be super hung over the next morning. I tell him that maybe he should ease it down and focus on school (he's not an excellent student), but he doesn't because it's "too much fun".He has no problem getting fucked upend drunk in public but he will never hold my hand in public because he doesn't like PDA.I'm having a hard time getting through to him. I don't want to leave him cause I know we are suppose to be together. But I can't handle it anymore. Everyday I cry. Everyday I come home mad at his behavior.I don't know what to do. Please. I need help.TL;DR my boyfriend likes to act immature and childish, pushing me to my limit, but we are going to be together forever. Help.

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