2017. április 25., kedd

After 7 months of casually dating, he said he's not ready for a relationship at the moment

It sucks when I meet a guy who I connect with on a deeper level, share the same values and our time together is just fun and great, but he doesn't want things to be serious, even though you act like a couple.He's a very busy guy, sometimes he travels a lot for work and I can see why he says he's not ready for a relationship. We've been hooking up with other men in the meantime, but not really dating anybody else.I told him I'm a person who gives all when I meet someone I connect with and that I expect the same for the other person, but he replied that he can't have anything serious right now because of his career. Maybe in the future, but not now. He wants to stay in the present and let things happen naturally.When I mentioned if I should also date other guys, he said he didn't want to put any rules, and if I find another person it would "suck for him" and that if I decided to not be OK with not having something serious he'd understand, but it would be really sad because he really cares about me. At this point he cried for like 5 seconds.Now, the only way I can accept all of this is if I keep him at arm's length and start dating other guys. To give him less attention. I honestly hate playing games, but is there anything I could do to make him want to commit? Acting less interested, for instance?(He's 35 and I'm 25)

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