2017. március 16., csütörtök

Why can't I get over being gay and stop feeling sad?

I'm M18, never had any kind of relationship or sexual thing, whatever.It's not that I hate being gay, but I just never am comfortable with it.I'd love to have male friends (not because of sex or anything like that), rather because I feel more comfortable around them than around girls. I don't know how to explain it, but every time I think about having friends I just get really sad because I'll never get to be like them, share deep stuff with them, or maybe they won't like the fact that I'm gay just for feeling uncomfortable at the thought of me seeing them with another eyes, or whatever.I'm not homophobic, but I've met other gay guys and I feel like I have much more common interests with straight guys (I'm not being prejudgeful, it's just they way it is).I don't know how to express myself or if I got my point across, but I just wanted to share this with someone and see what they think about it, seek some advice and whatnot. Thank you for reading this.Edit: I forgot to say that I tend to feel uncomfortable around them like a gay guy would around other male people. I don't know if all of these is just me wanting to be normal or I don't know.

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