2017. március 21., kedd

What's your definition of a full life?

(This might be the wrong subreddit to put this in, but I am a queer human person so I think it works. You don't even need to respond to my bs, I just need to write this stuff and put it out in the universe.)I've been feeling really depressed the last couple of months. I attribute this to several factors; seasonal depression, loneliness, anxiety, hopelessness and an actual sense of lost time.I'm a 24 year old gay male. Never been in relationship or hooked up with anyone. I came out when I was 17. Which is usually a time a lot of people have already experienced dating and sex. At the time these were things I had no real interest in, I was fine with being single and didn't crave affections from anyone. I also did not attend college right out of high school as I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.But now I've realized that people have experienced so much at my age. They're either married, have children, have careers and have/had relationships. Even though I'm still so young, I feel like I've missed a lot. I feel like because of my anxiety, things seem so much harder for me than for everyone else. I keep comparing, which isn't healthy, I know. But it does not help that I'm by myself all the time and can't stop these thoughts from circling.I ended up having to get my GED because my anxiety started to make me physically sick in 8th grade and continued through freshman year in high school and I had to just drop out.My anxiety is trapping me, I keep reading self help articles and books trying to keep positive thoughts in the forefront, but it's getting harder everyday. It's scary sometimes because it just snowballs and gets worse; I start feeling inadequate/less skilled compared to people I know, unable to look at myself in the mirror... Everyday feels empty and I don't have much to look forward too. I wake up in the morning, shower, make breakfast... but as the day goes on, I get sad.This is kind of hard to write because I usually don't expose my self, but I feel vulnerable. So if you were to respond to this, I guess... How do you look forward to things? And what's your definition of a full/happy life?

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