2017. március 20., hétfő

Straight girl wants to know why lesbians are becoming so hostile?

I am a straight girl (23) having lived in many countries worldwide and I have friends from the LGBT community and I am an accepting person. However, I have noticed major differences between gay men and lesbian women in their attitudes towards each other and towards straight people.In ActualLesbians forum (reddit), online forums, facebook pages dedicated to lesbians and I etc I notice there is a lot of aggressiveness among lesbians towards men of any kind. When they get asked how their first kiss is, rather than speak only about their kiss with another woman, they go straight into saying how kissing boys is "gross" and "distasteful" and desribe how men are such bad kissers prior to them coming out. You hear about "finding men parts so ugly....the idea of having sex with a man is so disgusting and eww.....the male body is so unattractive compared to a woman's body...hetero-relationships are just so eww." and bash the 'man' in any form possible. I am shocked as a woman to see fellow women talk about the opposite sex in such grotesque fashion and rather degrading.However, I have found gay men to be very respectful towards the opposite sex, never lash out at the female body, do appreciate a beautiful woman when they see one and are just way more polite and at worst will say "I just would not to something physical with a woman". Dear men, I salute you! On average, you are very respectful towards the opposite sex and straight people as opposed to lesbians, but why is that the case?I never see gay men ridicule breasts, vagina or the female body. I never saw any of you speak like that about them, but why do they find it so easy to do the same about men????It makes me sick also how hostile lesbian girls get towards me when I ask something or when I call them out for the manner in which they make sexist comments about men. They get hurt and offended and start call me names if I dare ask them "why could you just not say you dont enjoy being with a man, rather than describe men on an emotional and physical way in such gross ways"?. They even go on and say how men never had a clue how to please a woman and make such broad generalizations. I really feel sorry for you men, you have to put up with so much drama from lesbians and the way some of them look at you!I just wanted to give out a shout out to all you guys out there! I am a woman and I am beginning to see different perspectives more clearly!

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