2017. március 23., csütörtök

New job

Started a new Job month ago down south in Florida. And my coworker who knew I'm gay and in a relationship told two of my other co-workers that I was gay and seeing someone. They are getting together in a few weeks for dinner and they all have made it a point to invite me and my Boyfriend. There reaction when this person told them I was dating a guy was , " yeah and you point is?". I'm so lucky to have such accepting co-workers and the fact they don't care and still included me felt amazing. These people have been nothing but nice and loving of me to their team. Down south in Florida it can be a hit or miss with people who accept you for you. I'm sure it also helps during training they have an entire module of training for LGBT people and how this company has a ZERO tolerance for any harassment, comments or bigotry. They are so Diverse compared to where I use to work, that make sure to tell everyone their is a place for everyone at this company I am so happy I chose to work here.

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