2017. március 26., vasárnap

Just venting.

Ok, so this is gonna be a caffeine fuelled rant that I'm not gonna give a second squidge so I apologise in advance for pissy grammar and all that.Let's get some background shall we? I'm bi, and have been sure now for about 8-10 months, and I have a crush on a guy at my school (he's out, we're both in year 12 at private single sex school). And he's been dating guys on and off for a few months, he's gorgeous, confident, brilliant with people, and stupid smart. I, however, am an unfit lanky nerd who can barley talk to his own family without it being awkward. We've been decent friends for a while and I do really want to tell him, at least that I'm bi, but y'know, it's kinda hard. So, from someone with experience than me, someone with a larger t count or whatever, could I get a pointer or two? Any questions and I'll be happy to answer <3Love you all - never stop being yourself

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