2017. március 2., csütörtök

I'm gay.

Hi, my name's Alex. I'm 13 years old, and I wanted to acknowledge the fact that I'm gay. (I think I can post here, if not just remove my post). And no, I'm not here looking for a relationship (dating is a waste of time at my age, there's something called school). I haven't really came out to anyone, except my best friend and she laughed "Fuck, I knew it!", and proceeded to give me a huge hug and told me that she accepts me and that mumbo jumbo. But, I don't know how I can accept myself. I think I liked boys probably from elementary school. I'm not exactly stereotypically "masculine", as I don't do sports and the exercise I do is walking to the fridge. I don't think my folks are homophobic, per sé, but just don't want me to be gay so I don't end up in a "hellhole". Anyway, I wanted to say hi and make my introductions. Hello!

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