2017. március 25., szombat

I need some advice.

I'm a 21y/o gay male and I'm having trouble accepting my sexuality, might seem a bit too old to still be dealing with this kind of issues. The thing is that I haven't came out to my parents yet and I feel like it is holding me back, not allowing me to be the person I feel like I am and sometimes it seems like the reason why I've never been in a relationship before. I have absolutely no clue on how to come out to my parents and it scares me of what they may say about it, specially because they're not too comfortable with gay people, I'd say they're neutral about it at most.If you have any advice or any life experience that could possibly help me I'd really appreciate it, time keeps passing by and I'm affraid I'll be too old before I know it and I'll still be dealing with this.

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