2017. március 27., hétfő

How to come out in mid twenties

I am a 26yo dude that is just coming out as bi and feel kind of overwhelmed.I jumped on tinder 8 months ago, turned on my interest for males, matched a guy and we have been together since. We are both tops, which makes the sex life really challenging and we have sex like once every second week which frustrates me.I like the guy a lot, but I feel like I jumped into the relationship too quickly. I never got to explore my sexuality, I never went to a gay bar, I never used Grindr or any other of those apps. I am not close to any gay people and while it is kind of safe and comfy to be in the relationship I feel I might have jumped into this too quickly. I also feel I stay in the relationship because I don't have anyone in the community to talk to or hang out with except for my partner.The gay dudes I know of are my age and have been out since they were teenagers. It just doesn't feel right to talk to them about it all. It's like they are at a different stage in their lives.Has anyone else found themselves coming out as gay/bi in mid twenties or rushed into a gay relationship as soon as you came out? What would you do if you were in my shoes? Would love to hear your thoughts on this as I don't talk to anyone about this stuff.

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