2017. március 19., vasárnap

How can I be friends with bi/gay guys?

I'm bi myself, and I just want to be friends with other guys who are bi/gay aswell.Whenever I meet a new guy who's bi/gay, they automatically think that I'm a boyfriend material, and not a friend material. Whenever I refuse them and say "I just want to be friends", they automatically turn into assholes and are really rude to me, or just ignore me as a whole.It feels like bi/gay guys don't want friends with guys similar to them, yet here I am, wanting to have guy friends who are similar to me.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Here's a story about one guy for people who are interested: (This story is somewhat relatable to the question)I'll keep the story short so it's not a wall of text:Met a guy on tinder, met him in real life a few times, he liked me and I didn't like him, so he pushed me away from himself, a few months ago I liked him while he didn't like me, he told me to stop messaging him. After like a month, I lost my feeling towards him. I decided to ask him out on a club two days ago, to what he agreed. We had a fun time. Now when I simply ask him to hang out, he ignores me or answers unwillingly, and I think it's cause he thinks I'm still trying to get him even thought I told him I have nothing towards him.

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