2017. május 27., szombat

The language of emojees

I met someone who I had hooked up with, but we also hung out and talked a lot and had an overall amazing time together. I am not sure If I want to have something serious with him , but I definitely want to see him again, I would like to at least be friends and I am open to more. The day we met, He was leaving the next day for a month long trip out of the country. I got his number so I could text him, but at the time I wasn't sure if he'd even respond to me. I have texted a few times, but I have been careful not to overdo it or seem too eager. Because of the time differences we weren't texting in real time. There would be like a 12 hour delay. At one point he said he was eating a lot and I responded by texting a bunch of food emojees. The next morning when I got up, I saw he responded with a kissing emoji with a heart. I was surprised and It made me feel good all day. Then that night I got home, I thought to myself "Hello! you need to respond to this!!". So I responded with a kissing emoji, and within 5 minutes he responded with a smiley rainbow emoji. That was our last contact. He should be back next week. I want to see him again but i don't want to come across as being clingy or too eager. I"m not sure how he feels abou me, but I think his sending a kissy emoji shows that he could be interested, and also, his quick response to mine. Its been a few days. I guess asking when he will be back would be good place to start?

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