2017. május 30., kedd

Is he gay?

Yes, I asked a question that is none of my business. I have a friend that claims to be straight, he has slept with a woman before .There are things that stuck out about this guy, stereotypical and odd. I'll just list them below. The more I hung out with him, the more things stuck out-he is effeminate in some regards. He lightly slaps when you're joking with him, either it's your arm or leg -he is touchy-feely -he talks about girls in an odd way, either they are sluts or drunks or a combination of the two in his eyes and always picks apart how they dress. -i've pointed out attractive girls and he looks right past them, even in an open setting he doesn't look at big girls or small girls. -his relationships are short term (1 week , 4 months , and 1 month) all of those girls approached him rather than he chasing girls -he likes to quote Mean Girls, a lot. (Stereotype I know haha)He has no reason to be in the closet. His mother is the most welcoming woman ever and he has a bisexual brother and plenty of gay cousins, his father is kind of homophobic in some regards, but has lightened up a lot in recent years.There are many other things, but that is just a few of the obvious ones.As I said, I am aware his sexuality is none of my business but it has peaked my curiosity, I'll never ask him about it, but I do want to be that ally he can depend on if he is and wants to come out one day.

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