2017. május 29., hétfő

about dating...

So I am a teen in high school (on the younger side of high school) and I was looking through all the posts. Obviously I want to date people in high school but...and here's the really obvious catch...there just aren't as many gay people as straight people, and some people that are gay aren't out yet. (Neither am I, but that's a problem I hope to solve soon.) Another thing spoken about in the posts is that it seems that a lot of gay people usually engage more in one-night-stands/don't go for a long-term relationship. I don't have any illusions of meeting my soulmate in high school or whatever, but I don't want any relationships I may get into to be purely (or even mostly) physical. I'm far too young for that sort of thing; I'm going to deal with that when I'm good and ready.So, with the above in mind, any tips for getting guys? How do you know if they're gay/how do you ask them out/all that? I'm fairly short and wouldn't label myself as wonderfully attractive (though I don't think I'm ugly). I am somewhat fit though, and I have been described by most of my friends as smart and nice. I'm super-nerdy.Tips?

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