2017. május 30., kedd

He has a girlfriend now.

I look at the Facebook chat and read each line carefully.My old friends are teasing him for not spending time with them anymore because he now has a girlfriend.When did this happen?I stare at the computer screen. A sunken feeling weighs down my chest.This feels familiar. It has happened before. I thought it was painful enough to hear him and his lover over the dormitory wall. But this time is different, this time he has feelings for her, this time it's real.It is a crush. I am not in denial. I only ask someone to see that it is valid.It is not just a crush. It is not more than a crush. It is a crush, and I am in fucking pain because of it.He doesn't know how I feel about him, he probably never will.I'm grieving, for something. It feels like grieving. Except, the most important person is not even at the funeral. And that's the most painful part of it - if no one knows about it, then it never existed.Can you hear me?I say I love you.I still love you.Still you.EDIT: Grammar. Removed divider and adjectives.

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