2017. május 27., szombat

Need some advice

I'm a gay sophomore in high school and there's this one senior that went to my grammar school and is finishing up high school. I never really crushed on him at all, but I always thought he was handsome since the seventh grade. We have never talked ever though.Well... recently on the last day of actual classes, I had just finished sixth period class (which usually takes place in the classroom but that day it took place in the chapel to have a little prayer service and reflection on the year), and while I was heading for seventh period on a different route because we were in the chapel, I saw the senior holding hands with another guy. Now, me being the little stalker I am saw that he put he was in a civil union on his Facebook timeline about 6th months ago. So I am pretty sure he is gay, but none of his Instagram posts reference it, in fact he went to prom with a girl, which doesn't really bother me, and I can understand why he does these things.Anyway, this has really been bothering me since this would have never happened and I would have never looked him up if we didn't have the prayer service and if I didn't rush out the chapel to get to my next class on time. I am super attracted to his face or just extremely infatuated, but to me, he seems like my type of guy... I just hate the chances of this happening on the last day I will probably ever see him and I know I probably wouldn't have ended up with him if I did know earlier in high school, but I would have rather not known at all. It's just really made me contemplate my future on whether I would actually want a boyfriend or not as I have always a wife and children, because I can't see myself with another man, but I am not sexually attracted to women at all. I feel like I can romantically connect with them better, but I am really unsure right now. But if this guy asked to go out with and date me, I think I would end up dating him and accepting it instead of having a wife.Anyway, I recently followed his Instagram and was thinking about dm'ing him on a new account I'd make and asking him about his sexuality and experience with it in highschool since we go to the same school, but I am unsure if this would really be smart or how I would word it without getting blocked on sight. I know I'll get over this soon and find the right person one day, but it's just really bothering me and has me feeling down. Any ideas on what to do?TLDR; Found out senior that I don't know but find attractive is gay on the last day of school and want to DM him on a new account under a different guise on Instagram and ask him about his sexuality and experience, and I need advice.

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