2017. május 24., szerda

Just coming out of my shell and onto Grindr.

Hey all,So I have had feelings all my life for both genders, sometimes its leaned more strongly one way than the other I am not too concerned with labels but I am def more interested in dudes lately. So I downloaded grindr just to see what it would be like didnt have a face picture for a while and would just talk with guys about life and how to get more comfortable with things ya know? But I always started out with saying that the chance of a hookup is slim and those that would understand we would talk and now I made good friends. Since then I have become more comfortable with this whole idea and actually put my face out in the big wide world today and am ready to take the plunge but im finding it hard to juggle messages, people keep getting mad at me. What has been in your experience the best way to use this app to your advantage and any tips for this newbie?

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