2017. május 1., hétfő

Black gay man here looking to move out of California.

What's the best cities for a black gay man to live? I'm a 20+ year old black gay man looking for a big city environment. I can pay between $1000-$1500 in rent (Self employed), but I'm flexible. I have my reasons for wanting to leave California, but the simplest reason is I'm ready for a change. Time for me to start my life over in a new state and a new city.I've narrowed some choices to: Seattle Washington DC Chicago Portland BostonIf there's anyone from these areas on Reddit, I would love to hear from you guys! And I am open to look at other cities as well so please feel free to comment :-)P.S. I will NOT consider any southern states at all. I have my reasons for this, but I shouldn't have go into any details regarding this. Just respect my wishes, thanks!

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