2017. május 26., péntek

Awfully confused

I am a 15 year old male. As long as I could remember Ive been attracted to females and I felt pretty straight until fairly recently...About 6 months ago I felt that my attraction to females was dying, so much so that I seriously considered that I might be asexual, and I not getting very much arousal at all when I decided to watch some porn.It was also during this period of time that I had thoughts about other guys that I never had before. Like "hey, he is hot." It was at that moment that I seriosuly questioned my sexuality. Is it possible that I am homosexual? I have nothing against homosexual people and am all for diversity but it kinda hit me like a train. How could it be that I, excusively straight for as long as I could remember, have thoughts such as these?So I did some "experimentation"(bated to some gay porn) and realized i was aroused by it quite a bit. Now I have no idea about my sexuality. Everything Ive known up to that point was that I was straight until recently(I wasnt faking being straight).It should also be noted that I have had some male fantasies in this period of time(like me being penetrated).These past few months has been a rollercoaster ride of worries and questions that probably have no answer but I do have one. Has anyone ever experienced something like this before? It seems odd That I used to be straight but am now... gay possibly?It really has felt like a paradigm shift of my sexual orientation.

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