2017. május 27., szombat

Anybody else relate?

I think that, and this sounds dumb and cliche as all hell, the hardest person to come out to is yourself.When I was younger, I didn't have an interest in girls. I didn't know why. Then I thought about being with boys. That made more sense to me, me liking boys. But I was told it had to be a man and a woman. Not in a hateful way, that's just all I saw around me, so I came to the conclusion I had to like women.Around nine or ten years old, I think, I learned what homosexuality was, kind of. I was reading "Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls", by David Sedaris, which is, to this day, one of my favorite books. I was in the car, mostly just laughing at the silly things he said about his dentist (I think), but I read him talk about his boyfriend. I asked my mom."Mom, I think they made a typo, because it says here that David has a boyfriend. Unless David is a girl. Is he a girl?" I said."No, he's a man. Must be a weird typo." My mom said.In retrospect, I don't blame her for not wanting to explain it to me. So I forgot about it, and went on with my day.Sometime later, my mom let me stay up to watch the sitcom, "Modern Family". We very much enjoyed the show, in the first four or five seasons, and that's also where I learned that homosexuality was not, in fact, a typo, what with a gay couple being on the show.So by age 11, I think, I was fully aware that some men liked men. But I knew that couldn't be me. I had no reason why it couldn't be me, and no reason why I could be straight. I just thought I had to be straight.Then, in middle school, I realized something. I could have it both ways. So I thought I was bisexual. Like, I liked dudes a little bit. 80/20, in favor of females. But when I accepted that small bit of attraction, I realized, I'm not attracted to women at all. I tried to find something, but there was nothing.I'd never had a crush on a girl. I'd never really found a girl pretty, without having to convince myself she was. I just didn't feel for girls. Plus, I just didn't really feel bisexual. When I told myself I was bi, I didn't feel any different. I didn't feel any less confused or upset.Then, I realized about four or five months ago, I was fully, 100 percent gay. And when I said that to myself, I felt at home. I felt like I'd finally found the answer. I'm gay. It felt so nice to be open about it, to myself. And I felt much more comfortable telling other people. Because it just felt like it was something that truly fit me.Some people don't believe me, since I was heavy on the gay jokes back in middle school, because I was totally not gay. (In fact, when somebody would ask if I'm gay, I'd reply with "I dunno, probably, wait until high school" or, if I was feeling more playful, "for 20 bucks and a ride home".)Now I feel like I figured it out. I'm out to my whole school. I haven't told my parents yet, because they think that young LGBT just want to be trendy, or are doing it for attention, or are just confused.Most people I know are accepting of it, spare one girl who thinks it's a choice, and another guy who harasses me because I'm gay. But I don't really mind. I know I'll have to deal with being treated a bit differently.Anyways, I'm not sure if this is interesting at all, I just wanted to know if anybody had a similar experience.

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