2017. május 23., kedd

Advice on Coming out

So, years ago when I found out I was gay, I had the master plan of studying in Germany and tell my family that I was gay far away from home (I live in Turkey), so I could prevent any possible negativity from my family and friends. Turns out that I can't apply for uni this year, but I definitely can go a year later. However, it really pains me that I couldn't tell a single soul who I really am and I feel like I am all to late on this love stuff (I am 19).The question is, should I come out in Turkey in my first year at Uni? I'm afraid that people will persecute me and my family and friends will abandon me. I can wait one more year for Germany but I am sick of waiting and hiding, as many of you probably experienced before coming out. Also, how do gay people find dates is beyond me, do you tell every person you meet that you are gay?Thanks in advance, this is the first place I told anybody that I am gay.

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