2015. február 3., kedd

[Recruiting] Eternum TH 6+| Warring

Are you tired of your scrubbly bubbly "req n raid 100 dnations for elder" Then you've come to the right place, Eternum is fresher then your moms cookies (Mhmm) we don't give elder to the bronzie who donated 378 level 2 Barbarians, NO we give Elder to are best members, (Co-Leader not included, see conditions for details). WAR what is it good for, umm, great fun for the whole family... we have the best war, using advanced time isolating techniques it's convenient for EVERYONE... hopefully. Swearing, we don't mind, although racial slurs are not excepted. Here are the rules. 1. If you don't donate what people ask I'll set the dogs on you 2. Rushed bases? Expected to be kicked as soon as you've exhausted your use. 3. Two attacks in war, attack twice. 4. Eternum is a excepting clan for; Bisexual, Gay, Shrek, Bronies, etc 5. Just kidding, I dislike bronies.


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