2015. február 28., szombat

Spoiler How I think Season 4 will be (should be)

Well, we all noticed that there are many things that lack in Season 3. Frank was off his game. Season 3 was about Frank and Clair as well as Doug. The season also finished on Clair walking out on Frank leaving him to deal with a campaign which will likely fail due to the controversy that will arise.

But you already know that.

Next season hopefully will be something like the following.

Clair leaves, obviously. Frank being who he is decides to let her walk because he can do anything. This I believe will help with the idea that the journey towards power is a lone one. Now, Dunbar will attack Frank with the whole Clair leaving him bit. Frank could do three things in this situation:

The first:

Frank tells the truth. Clair left him because of her reasons. Frank loves Clair; therefore, when she walked out on him he received some sort of epiphany and decided to change his ways. This will ruin—slaughter—the chances of him successfully achieving the win.

The second:

Frank would play it off as something else. He’ll cover it up with a lie which will eventually be discovered due to Clair no longer wanting to be part of lies and Frank’s plans. When the truth is finally discovered, Frank’s empire will crumble.

The third:

Frank could stop Clair from leaving. As she is walking away Frank goes up to her, grabs her, and makes her go with him. Eventually, he will poison her with some sort of disease (EBOLA 2016). She will die and Frank would use that to gain the public’s sympathy winning him the election.

Now, perhaps, one of these sound more dubious than the others. I like to think that the First one is what is going to occur.

Clair leaves and, just like she did in Russia with the Gay-Petrov thing, she will come out publically and say that she is leaving Frank. Due to the love she does feel for Frank however, she will play ball and soften up the blow. Frank will be attacked by Dunbar. Frank loses many states.

Frank will not go down without a fight, though. Frank is known to do the impossible. He became vice-president. He became president. House of Cards has talked about impeachment, PACs, interest groups, unions, and so on. However, they still haven’t talked about the Electoral College. This is where Frank is going to strike next. He has Doug back on his team. Doug has connections and is great at finding the dark secrets. I believe, since Frank knows he is about to reach his downfall, Frank will target the Electoral College. Of course, he’ll still campaign and try to gather as much support as he can. But Frank will do what Frank does best: whip votes.

Frank will whip the Electoral College. Frank will become President of the United States of America once again. The season will end with Frank looking at the camera and saying, “it feels good to be a gangster” or something along the lines of “was there ever any doubt?” and then the credits role.

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