2015. február 3., kedd

My take on this sub and it's founders viewpoints.

/u/Richard_Turning created this sub and has declared this sub as a forum to combat the Gay Agenda creeping into our media. I am unsure as to whether he is being serious or tongue in cheek, but for this post I will assume he is being serious.

His arguments:

  • Gay people are sneaking a pro-lgbt message into the media in order to turn straight men gay and to have more gay sex and gay love.

  • He sees nothing wrong with being gay but he dislikes the fact that it is sneaky and doesn't like the attempts to brainwash him into joining them.

  • His perceived brainwashing includes obscure-if-you-squint-and-turn-your-head-sideways then maybe it looks like an LGBT innuendo. See the other posts in this sub for examples. They are as simple as a male character looking to feminine.

Here is a quote:

I don't view it as an organized collective. Individuals, gay and bisexual people that have certain influence over media. Maybe it's just a a piece of text on a caption or a movie script writer sees an opportunity to sneak in a line or whole character to forward the agenda. It's estimated up to 10% people are gay. More converts means more gay sex and more gay love for current gay people.

His arguments are inconsistent. He skips from saying he doesn't mind gay people, to saying the media is brainwashing us to join them. He sees innuendos where they don't exist and is overly concerned by a feminine male. I choose to believe that he is either debating as a joke or he is obsessing over the issue to the point he is imagining things.

The question I pose: As a Gay male I can say that there is no difficulty in finding a partner, there are many more openly LGBT people as society has been progressing. Why would gay people slip innuendos into the media? What benefit is it to them as a person? And lastly, if your fears are true, what is wrong with an oppressed minority using the media to make people more accepting?

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