2017. május 23., kedd

Those awkward hook ups

So I went to hook up with this guy from grindr. It was about 9 am and he said that he had to work at 10 so he had to hurry. No big deal we've all been there. The problems started when I walked in and could instantly smell dirty clothes and animal smells all over the house. He took me to his room, which was smellier than the rest of the house, and sat down on a bunk bed surrounded by dirty clothes, empty bags, and other trash. On top of everything he had two cats and a dog on the bed, he got the cats down but he let the dog stay for some reason. We started making out but I just kept thinking of everything that was wrong with this place and had a bit of trouble getting hard. Through a lot of determination I started to finally get into it, only because the guy wasn't all that bad looking. Then we heard a dog barking outside his door and the voice of a man telling it to stop. He said "oh shit" and put his dirty laundry basket in front of the door. "Your roommate?" I ask. To which he replied "that's my step-dad" great, just what we needed. I sat on his bunk bed, he jerked off and I went home. I've had better

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