2017. május 27., szombat

looking for a gay chat?

A few of you from here have already joined us and stuck around, but just in case you missed it the last time we posted, here we are again!Welcome to G.L.U.™ (Guys. Like. Us.)A chat room with men from all over the world. Any one who really just needs a more active place to chat is welcome to join! We chose the name G.L.U™ to sort of be our own umbrella term for all different types of men to feel welcome and not feel like they need to fit some type of mold. ✨Our chat has more of a laid-back, adult vibe. As our core users tend to mostly be in their twenties, but all ages are welcome to join! We share memes, it is the Internet of course. There's plenty of casual everyday banter, so the chat is always active. The topics of conversation usally deal with current events, entertainment (Overwatch, Music, Films, Drag Race, etc.) to more personal situations like school, dating and life in general.The chat is in the Telegram app click there to download and create an account which requires a phone number as your log in. Your number will not be shared with anyone. After you created an account come back here and follow the link above to join our chat, which is moderated by the way. 💁🏼We hope to see you there! 🌈

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