2017. május 25., csütörtök

I think this dude likes me.

So were on summer break and we were hanging out at at a friend house who has a pool. And this guy came who I find very sexy, I love a guy with blonde hair and he has a six pack. He was invited and came. I don't know him too well cause we've never had any classes so we don't run into each other much. But he was their today, swiming, shirtless and wet. So yeah I pretty had to stay seated with my lap hidden. He was striking conversation with me and stuff, I saw him making many glances and caught him. And he just smiled. Really cute simle. Also at one point I was leaning back and he came up to talk.He wasn't too close but my face was crotch level and he kept readjusting and just touching and holding it in general. And im pretty sure he noticed my boner. I never saw anything to suggest he was gay before but we really didn't see each other at school so I never tried to make a move or anything. And i was just nervous and blindsided today. And to top this all off, my friend who invited him said he said he was busy and didn't seem too interested but my friend told him who would be their. And after he said my name, he agreed....

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