2015. február 26., csütörtök

What is it like to give someone a blow job?

My wife has a huge fantasy of seeing me give another guy a blow job. I'm not gay or bi and no interest in men so..yeah... ugh. However she has more than indulged in my many fantasies and fetishes, including 3somes with women and she is not gay or bi either. So... I am thinking I may do this for her and tell her as a surprise during an upcoming dinner date in a week or so. Meanwhile, I've been wondering what I am in for. There is no way I could do this with anyone that we know. It would be much more convenient and potentially safer but just waaaay too weird afterwards.

So, it would be some sort of random hook up. I imagine it won't be too hard to find a guy who'd be interested in getting his dick sucked while a hot woman is watching and pleasing herself. So, I placed an ad on Craigslist as a test and got some interest back. Lots of dick picks (what a surprise) ;) It made me acutely aware of the frustration women must go through when seeking casual sex. A one or two word reply isn't exactly appealing, I don't care what your dick looks like. It probably isn't even yours! It also must be a bit intimidating to have something that big in front of your face and knowing how to manage it.

Is it hard or awkward to give a BJ for the first time, especially if it is one of the bigger sized specimens? Do you gag? I can't see how you wouldn't!

Does a penis smell or taste bad? As in, does it smell or taste like pee?

What do balls taste like? Good, bad, neutral? I kind of imagine it would be similar to licking someone's armpit with all the sweat whatnot that must be down there.

Can you just suck on it like pretty much anything else or do you have to be careful and more gentle?

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