2015. február 2., hétfő

Not sure whether to take a job.

For a little backstory: I'm 26, single, American, from the South of the US; I moved to Montreal (Quebec, Canada) about a year ago to escape the southern, good-ol'-boy, backwards culture. I like French, I'm gay, and so moving to Montreal seemed like a great decision.

And it was! I'm pretty happy here. I have a small group of friends, although some of them are leaving quite soon. I had a failed relationship. I have a job, but it doesn't pay super great, and they recently fired one person and another left (we went from 12 to 10 employees). No benefits of any kind, but there is social medicine here.

A friend asked me if I wanted to apply to the company she works at in Southern California. It's a growing business of around 25 people, pays about double what I make currently, has health insurance, retirement benefits, etc. It's a job closer in my interests, and at least on paper, the people who work there seem like they'd be doing more interesting things.

I've never thought about living in Southern California. I've always considered myself more of a northerner; colder weather, sweaters, more Seattle than Austin. I also worked pretty hard to get where I am in Canada; lots of form-filling, I'll get my permanent residency this year if I stay, then citizenship in 2017. I've invested a lot into Canada already.

It seems stereotypical, but I moved here because I want to live in a society that takes care of its people, that is anti-war, respects privacy, etc. Since moving here, Harper has declared war on ISIS, the Snowden revelations extend to Canada's "NSA", and Canada dropped incredibly on the environmental progress list.

The US on the other hand has become a lot more progressive, especially re: gay rights, but it still has worrisome practices as far as war, drones, human rights, etc.

I've been worrying about this for about two weeks now. I have an interview in a week or so (they're flying me out); I can find out more details then.

Help, Reddit, I beseech your aid!

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