2015. február 2., hétfő

Me, [24M], needs help/advice with a love triangle that involves my girlfriend [23F] of eight years and a friend [23F] of three years

I'll try to not make this too long.

This relationship began about 3 years ago when we met our bisexual friend, we'll call her Kate, at a gay-club. I was out at a bachelor party and my girlfriend, we'll call her Tina, went out with another friend to this gay-club. The bachelor party got quite tame and boring so we all agreed to finish up our beers and head home. Tina was still at the club and was having a good time so I told her I'd come join. When I get there, Tina and Kate were on the dance floor making out and dancing. I've always thought the idea with her and another girl as being insanely attractive, but she has never expressed the desire or want to experiment with another girl. Naturally when I saw what was happening I was very excited. When they saw me, I was introduced, and they decided to dance on me - even leading to them giving me a duo clothed lap dance in the vip area. We left the club and went back to her place where they continued to explore each other. Kate mainly led the way and gave Tina oral. I was on the side-lines mainly massaging and making out with whomever when I got the chance. The night slowed down and Tina went to get a shower. During that time, Kate and I made out and she began to give me oral. This lead to her on top of me with both of us ready to have sex. We toyed with the idea, but after some more flirting and talking we just rolled over and continued to make out until Tina was done with her shower. Shortly after we all went to bed. I have never told Tina about this, but was honesty with the following events.

After this, I had a extreme lust towards Kate. I would do my damnedest to get us to hang out with her whenever we had the chance. When we did hangout in the future there was always more people so nothing really ever progressed other than making out/flirting between us three, until recently.

Now, I feel like I'm only focusing on the events and not explaining our feelings toward each other so far. At this point we've known each other for about 2 years since the first night. Tina is almost in love with Kate and expresses to me that she "is the one girl that I'd fuck" and "if I had to be with someone other than you, it would be her". I echo'd the sentiment saying that I found Kate very attractive and fun and I loved the relationship that the three of us shared.

The last three times we have hung out it seems that the relationship has shifted. Kate and Tina both continue to kiss and flirt all the time, along with heavy dancing on each other. Yet, Kate has made it very clear that she wants to have sex with me in front of both of us. She goes as far as saying "I want you to take my virginity" in front of us three. Tangent here - Now I don't honestly believe she is a virgin. It is possible, but she's much too active with her body and flirty for me to believe it. Back to the relationship shift - Kate takes any opportunity she can to place her hands on me and be flirty. We make out more frequently. She invites me into the room when she's changing ( she used to only invite Tina ) and when they take showers/baths together, I'm now encouraged to come watch. Ok, still nothing game changing yet. Everyone is still having a good time with each other and expressing equal attention to everyone. Then a span of three saturdays happened.

1st Saturday) we all took a shower together and Kate would make sure that she was always in between Tina and I. She would also frequently sneak her hands south on me and do the same with mine. She would pay some attention to Tina and sparingly finger her, but mainly spent her time focused on me. After the shower, we all climbed into bed (with me in the middle) and Tina was passing out. Kate took her panties off and started to attempt to get me hard. I was battling a lot of alcohol and was unable to get hard. With that being said, we both still tried to fuck right next to Tina. Tina began to wake up and I shut everything down as I realized that I was being scummy about sneaking around. Kate continued to put her hands on me and Tina became aware of it. After an awkward 10 minutes of everyone being still, we fell asleep. The next day Tina and I talked and we agreed that I was wrong for sneaking around and not involving her.

2nd Saturday) Tame compared to the last one because more friends were at her house. Once the friends passed out the girls decided to take a bubble bath. I was encouraged, mainly by Kate, to join or come watch. I didn't feel like jumping in but I stayed close and offered massages, most of which Kate accepted. After the bath, they both came to the room I was in and got dressed. Kate came and laid her head on my inner thigh while Tina finished up dressing. We shortly all went to bed with Kate heading back to her room. I think this night was my fault for spending most of my physical time with Kate, but overall a tame night.

3rd Saturday) We spent a large amount of the night at clubs/house parties and we were all way too drunk. During cab rides/sober friends driving us around Kate would always try to sit next to me in the cars and lean on me. If she got the opportunity she would slip her hands down my pants without anyone noticing. At the club she would often look for me and come kiss me/dance with me. Once the night wound down we ended up with us three back at her house alone. We took a bath and this time I joined. We were sitting with one in front of the other and me in the back. Kate placed herself in front of me and Tina in the front. The entire time Kate was trying to get me hard and would sit on my lap. I again was way too drunk and was having a hard time even getting an erection. We would switch up the seating arrangement every now and then but it would always end up with me in the back and Kate in the middle after a short time. Kate and Tina were servicing each other with their hands, but Kate would still always be making the attempt for me to get inside her. She would do this in ways to try to mask what she was doing such as getting up to grab something and then sitting right back down on my package. When we switched to a shower she would drop items to bend over or hike her leg up on the side of tub to give me a better angle. She was very moist as I was trying to pleasure her in any way I could other than penetration with my penis to alleviate my problem with not being able to get hard do to the alcohol. I eventually was able to get inside her with me being limp for about 30 seconds. I did a little thrusting but if I didn't stay at a good angle it would just come out - while I'm not wanting to get to graphic I just needed to make this point for a question I have later. After the shower we all got out and I wanted to keep going, but give more attention to Tina. I offered to give them oral/massages, but they both were tired(It was 7am) and Tina had noticed what Kate had been trying to do the whole time.

I know I'm a lucky guy to be in this situation. Tina is a great girl and I don't want to jeopardize anything with her. Although, I am insanely attracted to Kate as well. They are both beautiful, fit, and have amazing features. Tina has always known that Kate was a bit more into me, but was ok with that because she wanted to be with Kate just as bad as me. It's also worth noting here that I was virgin before Tina (Tina was not). So I know a huge factor to my lust with Kate is wanting to be with another woman.

I always worry about Kate. She has always had horrible friends and surroundings. We've always been there to help keep her out of trouble with the wrong people and we've really grown a relationship with her that makes us want to protect her. She's been used a lot by both sexes and a part of me feels like we are doing that to her as well, even though we genuinely care for her in every way we can. I pay for everything because she is working two jobs and going to school and I already have a solid career. We are inviting her to go on vacation with us in March.

I feel like I could go on for a lot longer. Part of me feels like just typing this is helping me out with processing thoughts. But I also don't want to take too much time of those that are generous enough to have read this far .

With all that being said - I'd like to ask you guys a few questions for advice on this situation. Thanks a bunch if you have stayed with me this long. I apologize for the readability. I'm just trying to put it all in text.

1. Am I scumbag? - Tina really started experimenting because she knew I thought it was hot. A part of me feels like she likes it too and is afraid to admit it.

2. I know it's possible, but is it even a quantitive chance that she got pregnant from the last shower? She texted me and asked if she should be worried. I told her I was too drunk to operate it. But it did get inside. I didn't orgasm and I did have "whiskey dick", so should I be worried about this? I haven't asked if she takes birth control, but I'm doubting it if she's even asking about being worried.

3. What should I do/Should we continue? - I feel like if it is taking a turn into a relationship where it's more one on one and one on one, rather than a group relationship than it will cause problems. But, Tina really likes Kate. After the third night Tina was really only concerned with if Kate feels like we are using her. Although she was noticeably hurt when I told her that I did enter Kate for a brief time.

tl;dr: Three way relationship seems like it is turning into two one-on-one relationships. I care a lot for both sides and don't want to see anyone get hurt or feel used. Latest act is leading to us being worried that one may need to be worried about missing her period. Am I scumbag? What should I do?

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